12 March 2022

Drenthe, Arnaud Gérard: "Beware of the weather"

Kévin Ledanois is back in the Dutch race, with Hugo Hofstetter, Donavan Grondin and Kévin Vauquelin as assets for our team.



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Kévin Ledanois


“I started again at the Vuelta de Murcia and at the Clasica Almeria, then I went on with the Haut-Var thinking that I would be ok, but unfortunately I had some pain in my knee again at this last race. It was another hard blow, mentally. I was at the bottom of the bucket, and the whole team knew how to support me during those moments. I rested for another four days and gradually resumed training. I have trained well, I am now working well. I’m in my last big block before my return to the Ronde Van Drenthe. I’ve got some feeling back in training. I’m looking forward to racing and getting back into the group, being useful to the group and enjoying on a personal level.

Arnaud Gérard, Sport-director

The briefing

“The Ronde Van Drenth is a Dutch race par excellence, with five small cobbled sectors and in wet weather this can make things difficult, as we have to cross some forest passages. The other judge is a mountain. The Ronde Van Drenthe is a difficult and tiring race that can become even more so if the weather conditions are bad. Our trump cards for this race will be Hugo Hofstetter, but also Donavan Grondin and Kevin Vauquelin. I have a strong group for this great event on the Dutch calendar.


Hugo Hofstetter
Kévin Vauquelin
Donavan Grondin
Kévin Ledanois